What is in the box? 1 Pc Pipe wrench (Stillson Pattren) 350 mm/14 Inches.
1 Pc Water Pump Plier, CRV Steel, 250 mm/10 Inches. 1 Pc Ball Pin Hammer 220 gms/8 Oz. 1 Pc Screwdriver Standard 8mm X 200 mm. 1 Pc Cold Chisel 7/8 Inches/ 22mm. 1 Pc Stanley Short Tape Rules 3m/10 feet X 13mm. 1 Pc 16 Inches Tool Box. The plumbing tool kit includes a pipe wrench and pipe plier to twist pipes and various fasteners.To cut pipes, this set includes a hacksaw and an ergonomic frame. The tool kit includes a standard ball pein hammer that is ideal for striking punches and chisel like the cold chisel provided in the set. A driver is also provided for multiple operations. The tool kit is especially suitable for plumbers and other general maintenance tasks.
All tools are provided in a 16 inch tool box with a grab handle and metal latches for portability.